Young Carers at Parklands
At Parklands we recognise that some of our children are caring for a family member at home which may take up a little more of their time and this can be hard work. And although lots of young carers manage just fine, it’s still important they take care of themselves too. They deserve to be looked after, and we want to be able to offer these young people a supportive, fun environment where they can come and be themselves.
Parklands is working alongside West Sussex Young Carers to ensure our young people get the best and the right support as well as access to other events that are put on locally. This page will give details of events and support that will be on offer for our Young Carers.
If you think your young person is a carer, please get in touch with Mrs Earnshaw, Deputy Headteacher and Young Carer Lead at Parklands for an informal chat at or on 01243 788630.